The research identified distinct buyer personas with unique preferences, needs, and pain points, highlighting the importance of tailored strategies.
The mapped buyer journeys revealed critical questions to which buyers and influencers need an answer to move forward in their buying journey.
Understanding the right touchpoints for the different buying stages offers opportunities for improved engagement.
By aligning content with specific stages of the buyer journey, a content map is established.
Valuable insights are gained regarding the types of content most relevant and impactful at each stage, and gaps are uncovered.
Further implications of this project’s insights expand across several functional areas within the Marketing and Sales departments, including advertising, branding and messaging, sales pitching, customer experience, and content creation.
From a business strategy perspective, this project shed light onto immediate areas of opportunity with personas from the buying committee.
We have now laid the groundwork to build a robust strategic plan in line with our prospects and customers’ needs. As a result, we now have a strong basis for a redefined and updated campaign strategy across regions, backed up by insights and data.